Why Tuscaloosa Developer Stan Pate Bought Sections Of The Southern Border Wall

Why Tuscaloosa Developer Stan Pate Bought Sections Of The Southern Border Wall ... when asked how he came to own thousands of pounds of fabricated steel intended for the Southern border wall, he said he made his purchase for pennies on the dollar from the government surplus auction website GovPlanet . The website specializes in auctions for everything from surplus military vehicles, meals-ready-to-eat (MREs) and, at least for Pate's interest, the steel used for the wall along the border with Mexico. "We're always buying what we think is valuable," he told me. "The government has an auction website and all of a sudden sections of the wall started popping up for sale. At first, I thought this can't be true. But then I said let's buy some of it and see." Reference: patch.com

Alabama Secretary of State finds over 3,000 non-citizens registered to vote

Alabama Secretary of State finds over 3,000 non-citizens registered to vote

Allen found 3,251 non-citizens who were registered to vote, 742 of them were from north Alabama. “We got the information, we cross-checked it with our centralized data files here in the state of Alabama and found those 3,200 individuals,” Allen said. The information he’s talking about is people with alien registration numbers. Those are issued to immigrants who intend to live in this country permanently and have already applied for a green card. you’re not eligible to vote with just an alien identification number. When WAFF 48 asked Allen how 3,000 plus were able to register in the first place he could not give us the answer. “It’s our belief that only American citizens should be allowed to vote,” Allen said. “Non-citizens, whether their legal or illegal cannot register to vote. It’s a federal offense.” To vote here in Alabama you need one of these things: a driver’s license, a passport, a voter photo ID or any other type of photo ID. But Mike Nicholson with the voter’s rights group Alabama Arise is now questioning the state’s system as a whole. “It just leaves me with questions, How could that many people supposedly register to vote when you need a photo ID or a social security number, there’s all these barriers in place that wouldn’t allow that to happen,” Nicholson said. “So I would ask the Secretary of State to be more transparent with that because we know in other states that similar actions like that have purged other voters from the polls.”

Reference: www.waff.com


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